Cancer survivor gets healthy
Lost 13 kg
Joint stiffness gone
Heartburn gone
Lost 13 cm off waist

I joined Body Buzz because my joints were very stiff and sore. I had read that Body Buzz was good for circulation and lymphatic draining. I had also heard it gets rid of water retention and is good for weight loss. I had tried to loose weight before but could not get under 85 kg so if I lost weight then that would be a bonus. I booked a free consultation and Marty showed me the beginner program which only took 12 minutes.
It felt really good as though my body could not get enough of it. That night I could feel the effects of the vibration training. It was a good to be able to sleep without pain and also be able to get out of bed in the morning without being so stiff.
I watched Marty's nutrition DVD's as instructed and was surprised to find that I had been eating incorrectly. He helped me with a new nutrition plan and after 5 months I had lost 13 kg. Not only that I also took his Vitamin and Mineral drink which makes me feel really well. I understand now why I got breast cancer and how I can avoid or at least reduce the risk of getting it again.
I also lost 13 cm off my waist which means I can wear really nice tops again.
Ria Rengelink
The testimonials on this website are given freely without payment or compensation simply because they wish to help other people. Please note that one person’s experience is not a guarantee, promise or reflection of the feelings of every user and results may vary from person to person.