We show people how to use vibration machines for weight loss, pain relief and increased energy... even if you have hip replacements...even if you have arthritis.

Try it a few times before you decide

Access 24/7
Choose a 12 minute workout
Walk out invigorated

Who’s it For?

Weight Loss
Vibration training sessions are low impact and will not make you hungry. So, with the right meal plan, you will also lose weight.
With vibration training you exercise your fast twitch muscles without putting pressure on your joints. You’re muscles are getting trained without you knowing it.
Gym Alternative
For those looking for a gym alternative that will leave you feeling invigorated but not worn out.

Try it a few times before you decide

Lost 40 kg - 10 kg to go
Rose lost 46kg the Body Buzz way
Max Lost 19 kg in 10 weeks
Mike lost 15 kg in 12 weeks and clears up lifelong skin problem
John Slims his waist and gets rid of brain fog
Diabetes gone and 29 kg lighter